Our Code of Conduct


The Arcanist’s Tavern is a small, proudly queer-owned business- created to provide a safe space to the tabletop gaming community. We have zero tolerance for abusive, hateful or discriminatory behaviour of any kind. We’ve created these guidelines and code of conduct to ensure that everyone who comes to play with us can do so safely, in a fun and supportive environment. 

These guidelines apply to everyone who comes to play at the Arcanist’s Tavern, as well as our own GMs and staff. It is expected that new players read and familiarise themselves with these rules before first attending a session. 

As with the rest of the Tavern, our Safety Guidelines are constantly evolving as we work with the community. If you have any suggestions or queries, please reach out to us at: inquiries@alchemygames.uk 

General Behavior

We ask that everyone who comes to play at the Arcanist’s Tavern treats their fellow players, GMs and members of staff with respect, understanding and compassion. Getting together at the table can be an immensely vulnerable moment for some, and we ask that you help us create an environment where players can feel safe to express themselves. 

Our staff and GMs work tirelessly to create an immersive and welcoming atmosphere for you to enjoy. We have a zero tolerance policy for abusive behaviour of any kind directed towards them, and will ask those that act in such a manner to leave, banning them from further events and pursuing legal action where appropriate.

Whilst we support and encourage healthy roleplay, characters who are overly hostile and aggressive beyond reason are not welcome at our tables. If you do provide feedback to another player, it should be constructive and come from a place of good faith. Similarly, if you receive feedback, you should attempt to receive it in a constructive and non-combative manner. 

Table Conduct

We ask that our players make every effort to adhere to and conduct themselves with the following principles in mind:

  • Compassion: Treat your fellow players compassionately- taking the time to understand and respect their viewpoints and lived experiences. Conflict is often an inherent part of collective storytelling and can be incredibly powerful if handled correctly, but this is never an excuse to abuse another player or attempt to sabotage or otherwise undermine them in game for not agreeing with your views. 

  • Understanding: You may not always agree with the ruling of a GM, or choice of a fellow player- but this does not excuse abusive or disruptive behaviour of any kind. The ruling of a GM is always final. If you wish to raise an issue with the ruling of a GM, you may contact us at inquiries@alchemygames.uk and leave feedback, which will then be directed to our creative team.
    You are free to discuss a difference of opinion with another player where appropriate, but this should never derail a session or force another player into a position where they feel uncomfortable or unable to express themselves. 

  • Respect: You should always respect the autonomy of other players during their turn. You should never talk/shout over them, or attempt to diminish their contribution to the game. Every player deserves a moment in the spotlight, and should feel comfortable to express themselves.  

  • Healthy Separation: When conflict does arrive during a story at the table, it stays at the table. There is a clear divide between moments in-character at the table and any ensuing downtime either at the table or around the venue. Whilst we cannot police people’s conduct away from the tavern, we encourage our players to maintain a healthy separation whenever they are away from the table for their own mental wellbeing.  

  • Patience: Some players may need longer to make crucial decisions or engage with moment to moment gameplay at the table. If a player needs extra support from the GM then this should be accommodated by the rest of the table.

Diversity & Inclusion 

The Arcanist’s tavern is home to a diverse community of players, who should be respected at all times. Abusive behaviour that specifically targets a player based on their identity or characteristics (perceived or otherwise) will not be tolerated in any circumstance. This includes, but is not limited to: gender identity, sexuality, age, race, religion, neurodivergence and disability. 

You should make every effort to use the stated name and pronouns of each player and their character. In situations where this is ambiguous or otherwise unclear, you should politely ask or use gender neutral pronouns instead. 

When playing a character with different personal characteristics to your own, please be mindful with how you choose to depict them. You should make an effort to avoid harmful, insensitive or stereotypical depictions of these characteristics. It is never acceptable to use these characteristics as the basis for comedy. 

It is not the responsibility of our players, especially those who are victim to such behaviour, to educate and correct the bigotry of others. If you feel safe to do so, you are welcome to educate individuals whose behaviour comes from a place of genuine misunderstanding or lack of knowledge. Otherwise, we would encourage you to inform your GM or a member of staff.

Bullying & Harassment 

We have zero tolerance for any bullying or targeted harassment towards our players, GMs and staff. How we define bullying and harassment is:

  • Behaviour that intentionally makes another member of our community feel unsafe or unwelcome. 

  • The use of derogatory or harmful language, insults and unwelcome nicknames. 

  • The use of physical intimidation or deliberately invading someone’s personal space. 

  • Stealing or damaging another person’s personal property. 

  • Deliberately breaching someone’s privacy. 

  • Not respecting someone’s personal boundaries or repeatedly asking them to socialise even after they have declined. 

  • Attempting to obtain someone’s personal contact information (number, email, socials etc.) without their consent. 

  • Touching someone inappropriately or without their consent, or making inappropriate sexual remarks. 

We ask that everyone in our community remain vigilant for this behaviour and to call out minor instances whenever they occur (if you feel safe to do so). For more serious or repeat instances, please report them using the channels we have provided here. 

Drugs & Alcohol 

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to harmful, disruptive and unsafe behaviour at the table- creating a negative atmosphere for everyone involved. We ask that our players moderate their alcohol consumption throughout the night, and make use of the free water we provide at the bar. The Arcanist’s Tavern reserves the right to refuse the sale of alcohol at any time, and will do so when an individual appears to be excessively intoxicated or is behaving inappropriately.

Harassing or arguing with our bar staff when they make the decision to cut you off will result in you being asked to leave, with a potential ban on attending future events. 

The Arcanist’s Tavern is a drug-free venue, and will eject anyone found to be taking drugs on the premises. It is our legal obligation to contact the authorities in these instances.