
If you need to report a breach of conduct, please use one of the following channels. If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe whilst at the Tavern, please contact a member of staff immediately. 


If you witness any behaviour during a session that violates our code of conduct, please report this to your GM or a member of staff immediately. You may be asked to provide your contact details to discuss next steps or if we need to conduct a further investigation. 


You can contact us at to report any breaches of our code of conduct, or to report any other concerns that you may have whilst playing at the tavern. If you do report an incident, please be sure to include as much information as possible, including:

  • Names of people involved or witnesses present. 

  • The time and date that the incident occurred. 

  • The location of the incident. 

  • A clear description of what happened.

We will attempt to respond to all complaints we receive within a timely manner. Any information provided will be treated as strictly confidential and handled with care, however we may need to forward information to the authorities in instances where we suspect the law has been broken. 

Anonymous Form 

If you feel uncomfortable disclosing any identifying information about yourself, you may instead use our anonymous reporting form here. This may impact our ability to conduct a thorough investigation as we will be unable to contact you or seek more information about the incident. 

Illegal Behaviour

If you witness illegal behaviour whilst at the tavern, we will encourage and help you to contact the authorities or contact them ourselves where appropriate. We will comply with the authorities and attempt to be as transparent as possible during any subsequent investigation. 

Investigations and Sanctions

If a player or GM has been found to have breached our code of conduct, we will begin an internal investigation, electing an impartial member of our management team to lead the investigation. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, we may choose to implement one of the following sanctions: 


In instances where a breach of conduct is considered to be minor, we will caution the individual. This will involve us explaining exactly what happened, educating the individual where necessary, and outlining next steps to ensure that it does not happen again. 

Final Warning

In cases where a breach of conduct is more significant or repeated, we will issue a final warning to the individual. This is a notice that if they do not correct their behaviour, they will be permanently banned from attending the venue. 

We may choose to implement an action plan or place restrictions in place to correct the individual’s behaviour, preventing them from attending certain events or from playing with certain members of the community. 


If an individual is considered to be a safety risk to others, or has committed a severe breach of conduct, we will immediately ban them from attending the Arcanist’s Tavern or any of our partnered events. 

Sexual harassment, discrimination or violence of any kind will always result in a permanent, non-negotiable ban, with the potential for further legal action. 

Staff Breaches of Conduct

If a staff member is found to have breached our code of conduct, we will fulfil our obligations as an employer, following relevant legislation and the terms outlined in our own employment contracts. We will then take the relevant next steps, which may include disciplinary measures or dismissal where deemed appropriate.

We will attempt to be as transparent as possible with the community when such an investigation takes place, as we understand the anxiety and uncertainty that it may cause. We hold our staff members to the highest standard, and expect them to take every effort to make the Arcanist’s Tavern a safe and inclusive place to play. 

General Complaints 

For general complaints and feedback, you can contact us at: Please do not use our anonymous webform for general complaints and queries.   

Complaints relating to gameplay and GM rulings will be forwarded to our Creative Director and GM team for further review and action. Complaints relating to the venue, service or ticketing will be forward to our Operations Manager, who will attempt to respond with next steps within a timely manner.