Ω - Awakening
A figure wreathed in a pale shroud, an all-consuming flame.
The vision fades, leaving your mind fragmented.
You have no recollection of the path that led you to this sunless place- but something compels you deeper all the same.
The only certainty you have is that you aren’t alone.
You have awoken in the sunken depths of the Astral Corridor, unable to recollect the events that have led you here. Your memories are in disarray, but certain moments remain. You are no longer in your native plane, and feel an uncanny sense of disconnection as your senses settle and you take in your surroundings.
I - The Prologue & Character Creation
Every adventure in Aeturnum begins with our Prologue Quest: As Above. This quest will introduce your character to the Red Isles, and begin their storyline. Players of all ability levels are welcome, but we encourage you read and become familiar with the core rules of D&D 5E before attending. Our GMs will review your character to ensure that they meet our guidelines and give you a Player Journal to track experience and milestones.
Please be aware that Aeturnum uses the new 5E2024 D&D rules!
If you are new to D&D we recommend attending one of our regularly hosted Beginner Workshops first. You can check our Events page to see when the next one is being hosted. It is expected that you attend with a basic familiarity of 5E rules.
Before arriving, you should roll up a Level 3 character to play. You are welcome to use either point buy & standard array for this.
For character creation, we are only supporting content from the PHB (Player’s Handbook) with new 5E2024 sourcebooks to be phased-in over time.
Please note that using non-approved content will result in us asking you to reroll or adjust your character.
Due to the mature themes of Aeturnum, characters who are minors (under 18) are not permitted.
Characters that violate our Code of Conduct will be refused without further discussion. Please be mindful when creating your character background to not include themes or depictions of sexual violence, racism, ableism, transphobia or any other real world hate crimes.
As the storyline of Aeturnum progresses we will be adding new classes, races and abilities for players to unlock.
You can book a ticket for the Prologue from our Events page. Every month we will be running the Prologue Friday bi-weekly, with additional dates available subject to demand. Spaces will be limited so be sure to book when you have the chance!
Once you have played the Prologue, you are welcome to join any adventure in Aeturnum. All you need to do is book a ticket from our Events page and prepare for an evening of cosmic misadventure.
II - Seasonal Structure
Aeturnum follows a seasonal model, referred to as Narrative Arcs. These Arcs last multiple months, with an overarching story told across Quest Board adventures and Narrative Events. These quests can be broken down as follows:
Quest Board: Our Quest Board is refreshed monthly, allowing you to accept jobs from the Guilds of Adrestia and build your reputation with them. We will be running these quests weekly, allowing you to select which quest you would like to play when you book a ticket. These quests are self-contained and run for 3 hours, allowing you to drop-in seamlessly and experience a new adventure every week.
Narrative Event: These monthly special quests are run across multiple tables, introducing key narrative events and pushing forward the ongoing seasonal narrative.
Finale Event: A grand finale to conclude an ongoing Narrative Arc, run across multiple tables. These dramatic events can have dire consequences- permanently altering the fate of the Red Isles.
All these quests can be booked from our Events page, and require you to purchase a ticket in advance.
III - Session Schedule
Aeturnum follows a fixed monthly schedule, with games run on the following days:
Wednesday (Weekly): Quest Board
Friday (Bi-Weekly): Prologue
Last Sunday of the Month: Specials*
Tickets for all of these events can be purchased via our events page.
*Subject to scheduling and availability. Updates regarding Specials will be posted on our socials and Discord.
IV - Character Progression
When you attend the Prologue you will receive a Player Journal. This will allow you to track experience, milestones, and deaths as you receive a Guild Stamp for each quest you complete. Once you have filled out a portion of the Journal, you will be able to level up your character.
Currently Aeturnum is designed for characters leveled between 3 - 6, with content designed for higher level play to be released in future seasons.
Due to mature themes and graphic violence, Aeturnum is strictly for players aged 18+
We are now running 5E 2024 and are only supporting content from the PHB.
Sure. You are welcome to re-roll your character and transfer XP from your journal, but should inform your GM before doing so.
Each session will begin with relevant content warnings during the GM’s intro. Aeturnum tackles mature themes and contains graphic violence, but will never depict or allude to sexual assault, hate crimes, or any other real world atrocity.
Players of all experience levels are welcome, but we ask that new players become familiar with the core rules and concepts of D&D 5E before playing Aeturnum. To help with this, we will be running regular beginner workshops at the Tavern to provide a complete intro to D&D, which will be posted on our Events page.
Whilst you are not prohibited from doing so, we do not reccomend this due to the story structure of Aeturnum and the risk of meta-gaming. If you do wish to run mulitple characters you will need to play the Prologue again to receive a new journal.
If your character dies, you will be given the choice of True Death or Rebirth. True Death allows you to create a new character, whilst Rebirth allows your character to be revived with an Affliction. An Affliction is a permanent debuff that significantly alters how your character plays and is perceived by NPCs in Adrestia. Once you have accumulated three Afflictions you will lose control of your character permanently, and will need to create a new accursed adventurer.
Yes. We plan to post seasonal recaps to ensure that you are always aware of the latest developments across the Red Isles.