"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me... They are my Space Marines... and they shall know no fear."
Rolling Zeros presents a special Kill Team tournament on 14th December 2024 at Arcanist’s Tavern in Shoreditch. This will be a 16-player, four-round singles event, using a mix of terrain sets from current and previous seasons.
Kill Team Selection
As a special themed event restriction: players may only register and play as teams with the ASTARTES faction rule.
At time of listing, these include:
Angels of Death
Nemesis Claw
Phobos Strike Team
Death Guard
Tickets & Registration
Tickets for the event should be purchased from the Arcanists Tavern below.Ticket holding players will be invited to register their faction choice via the event listing on the Best Coast Pairings app (BCP) or web portal no sooner than a week before the event.
Registration Deadline: 11:59 pm on Friday 13th December.
This event will be run using the most up-to-date rules set for Kill Team (“Third Edition”, “Kill Team 2024”, etc.). As it is still early a new edition, we expect many of us will be learning and examining interactions along the way. All other rules for Kill Team, including balance dataslates, errata, and FAQs will remain in effect.
Terrain and Missions
We will use the Approved Operations 2024 Tac Ops and Missions. Map layouts are currently TBD. Each table will be preset with a specific map layout, and players will be assigned to tables randomly. All players will play the same mission each round as outlined in the event schedule below.
Tournament Format, Pairing & Placing Metrics
All participants will play in a four-round Swiss tournament to determine the outcome.
Game rounds will be 90 minutes.
Pairings: Tournament Points => Victory Points => Random
Placings: Tournament Points => Primary Op VP => Total Victory Points
Event Schedule
Setup & Event Briefing 10:00 - 10:15
Round 1 10:15 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:45
Round 2 12:45 - 14:15
Round 3 14:30 - 16:00
Round 4 16:15 - 17:45
Awards & Cleardown 17:45 - 18:00
Painting Requirements
There are no painting requirements for this event. Given this, please note victory points for having a painted team will not be in effect for this tournament - as a result, players can score a maximum of 21 points each round. Conversions and proxy miniatures are accepted and strongly encouraged as long as they can be matched to the appropriate entry on the roster. If your models vary greatly from the standard kit, please contact the Tournament Organizer in advance to confirm they are easily recognizable.
Tools of War
Players must bring their Kill Team, equipment terrain (barricades), dice, measuring gauges, order markers and relevant tokens for rules their Kill Team applies (e.g. tac op markers, to indicate area or lasting effects etc.). Players are encouraged to bring physical models for universal equipment (ladders, mines, barbed wire) if possible, as availability may be limited at launch and we cannot ensure we are able to provide a set for each table at this time.