Welcome, one and all, to the new look newsletter for the Arcanist's Tavern! My name is Inkyfingers, the Tavern's in-house scribe, and I'm here to report to you all the latest goings-on and impending carousings.

Gaymers - We held our inaugural London Gaymers event on Tues 7th May, and it was a rousing success! Five tables: two for novices, two for intermediate players and one for veterans, all playing D&D5E. This will become a regular event at the Tavern, so keep an eye on the newsletters for more details!

New RPG stock - Our retail section is currently bulging at the seams like an ogre's ill-fitting breeches, with some of the best offerings from the TTRPG universe. Among others, we have some of Rowan, Rook & Decard's acclaimed titles, including 'Spire', as well as Free League's 'Alien' RPG (based on the classic sci-fi franchise). We also have solo games 'Menagerie of the Void' by Eran Aviram and 'Outliers' by Samantha Leigh, both local indie creators. We aim to include a lot more indie creators in our shop in the future, so if you have something you want to sell through the Tavern, please let us know.

Lights - One of the fun things about opening a new venture is discovering how all of its pieces interact with each other. On opening, the Tavern Keepers discovered the candelabras in the Archives, while aesthetically pleasing, cast their own shadow right onto the tables. After many attempts at banishing the shadows, a friendly mage with a knack for lightning abjuration visited and simply turned the lights upside-down, et voilà! Well-lit tables! 

Wifi - The Archives and Guild Hall were once the last bastions against The Signal that seeps into our minds and pockets, but no more. There is now wifi throughout the venue. You will find the password at the bar. 




Update: 30/03 (The Big Launch Catch-Up)